A wander through India’s Magnetic Fields Festival, an electronic music mecca in the Rajasthan desert.
How to Disappear Completely (Extract)
Fiction December 1, 2017 Tags: Adventjah, Brisbane dance music, Fiction, How to Disappear Completely 2 CommentsThis extract from a novella project, which I’d pitch as The Slap meets Trainspotting set in regional Queensland, is set at an iconic Brisbane warehouse rave.
Why I didn’t cry when the Princess died
Opinions December 30, 2016 Tags: Carrie Fisher, Grief, Princess Leia 1 CommentThe original Star Wars was unleashed upon the world exactly one week before I was.
“Modi’s about to address the nation,” said my Managing Editor, motioning to the monitor above me, or perhaps one of the many others splashing Breaking News banners across our newsroom. “He never does this. It must be pretty big.”
The Beatles landmark that India forgot
Travel October 16, 2016 Tags: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Rishikesh, The Beatles, The White Album, Travel No CommentsThe mythical ashram at the heart of ‘The White Album’ is still there in Rishikesh, if you can find it.
Postcard from Galle: A cricket-lover’s paradise (The Roar)
Features August 5, 2016 Tags: Cricket, Sport, Sri Lanka No CommentsI went to Galle dreaming of iconic Dutch forts and a famous Aussie victory. Unfortunately, things deteriorated quickly from there.
17 mostly unrelated observations after 44 days as an Indian resident
Travel February 21, 2016 Tags: #IncredibleIndia 2 Comments1. If you ask people in Chennai to generate paperwork confirming you work in Delhi, don’t be surprised if they send it to Hyderabad.
“Assorted refuse drifts by. A styrofoam block. A lightbulb. A hog-tied goat carcass. “
Music pilgrimages that are way better than Abbey Road (AWOL)
Travel February 26, 2015 Tags: AWOL, Music, Travel No CommentsA fun little listicle I put together for AWOL, including the locale of the outback Australian pub where David Bowie shot his iconic Let’s Dance music video.
The story of the time I went for an afternoon jog and learned how wars start.